Collegeboard Quizzes Reflection
Reflecting on my binary quiz, data compression quiz, extracting info quiz, and programs with data quiz.
Binary Quiz
I felt more confident with this quiz than I have been with this topic in the past. It was definitely a refresher on how bits and the binary system works with base 2.
Data Compression Quiz
I was pleasantly surprised with my score on this quiz due to my lack of knowledge previously on this topic. I feel that the ideas of lossless and lossy image compression make sense in which one compresses and is able to recover data and one is not.
Extracting Information Quiz
This quiz was definitely one of the longer ones and made me think a litter harder conceptually when answering these questions. I feel that these questions are still a bit easier and more common sense than the programs with data quiz questions.
Programs with Data Quiz
This was the hardest quiz for me, but I was still able to get a good score. This quiz made me change my answers a couple of times on a couple of these questions. I had to read the question more carefully to make sure I didn’t skip over any small details in the purposes of these programs and what someone is trying to implement or use it for. For example, the photography question almost tricked me because I didn’t realize that the subject of the image didn’t matter. I just skipped to looking at the table of data right away.