What Kind of Bread are You?
This is a quiz where you can learn what type of bread you are. Learning your bread "genetics" is life changing and will influence how you think of yourself.
white_bread = 0
flat_bread = 0
sourdough_bread = 0
#defines variables for types of breads and point values
def question_and_3_answers(prompt, ans1, ans2, ans3):
answer_correct = 0
while answer_correct == 0:
print("Question: " + prompt)
rsp = input()
if rsp == ans1:
global white_bread
white_bread += 1
answer_correct = 1
elif rsp == ans2:
global sourdough_bread
sourdough_bread += 1
answer_correct = 1
elif rsp == ans3:
global flat_bread
flat_bread += 1
answer_correct = 1
print(rsp + " is not an answer please try again")
#this is defining my function. I have a prompt and three correct answers- This way I don't have to type this code five times.
#if the user types a non-answer, it will loop until they choose a defined answer. Certain answers will add a point to the bread total
question_and_3_answers("What type of friend are you? The mom, rebellious, or quiet friend? Answer with one word.", "mom", "rebellious", "quiet")
question_and_3_answers("What kind of car would you drive? A minivan, Tesla, or Prius? Make sure to type a capital letter if applicable.", "minivan", "Tesla", "Prius")
question_and_3_answers("What activity would you do in your freetime? Would you run errands, party, or read?", "run errands", "party", "read")
question_and_3_answers("What kind of phone do you use? A flip phone, an iphone, or an android?", "flip phone", "iphone", "android")
question_and_3_answers("What pet would you like to own? A cat, a dog, or a fish?","cat","dog","fish")
print("Here are your results: " + str(white_bread) + "/5 whitebread " + str(sourdough_bread) + "/5 sourdough " + str(flat_bread) + "/5 flatbread")
print("Thanks for playing! Now you can live your life knowing your bread genetics! :)")
#this gives the user results about how much of each bread they are