vocablist={"key:value" : "value defines the key",
    "variable" : "Stores information (ex. i=0) for a computer program. Types: string, integer, float",
    "concatenation" : "the linking or joining of two characters or character strings together to create a phrase or compound word.",
    "procederal abstraction" : "taking little pieces of information/code and putting them into a different place to become a bigger system",
    "representation data" : "Data Representation refers to the form in which data is stored, processed, and transmitted.",
    "html fragments" : "Writing allows you to define a block of HTML that you can then embed in your document at key locations."}

for word in vocablist:
    print(word,": ", vocablist[word])
key:value :  value defines the key
variable :  Stores information (ex. i=0) for a computer program. Types: string, integer, float
concatenation :  the linking or joining of two characters or character strings together to create a phrase or compound word.
procederal abstraction :  taking little pieces of information/code and putting them into a different place to become a bigger system
representation data :  Data Representation refers to the form in which data is stored, processed, and transmitted.
html fragments :  Writing allows you to define a block of HTML that you can then embed in your document at key locations.