Week 9 Video Planning and Reflecting- Stock API
Describing my experience with being scrum master and making our stock API. Also reflecting off other people's videos.
Video Outline
- Describe Project Purpose and Function using text on video:
- Our Project = A website that assists an ASB merch commisioner with the merchandise designing, tracking, and contacting processes.
- Show Scrum Board and Slack
- This is our scrum board that is used weekly to keep track of goals and progress
- Slack is used to communicate, give advice, and stay on track when not at school
- Show debugging
- here is our team debugging but in a terminal to avoid an unknown module issue (show debugging on VScode issue)
- we debug each file once code is written, and make necessary edits
- Show shared fastpage and flask page
- This is our frontend(fastpage) and backend(flask) group pages that we use to complete assignments and projects.
- Write how I helped with all the different roles when help needed.
Video Refelctions
APCSA- Rebecca, Linda, Divyanshi, Vaishavi
- Very organized
- consider making weekly issues that assign tasks, have links to completed code, and describe issues/things to work on
- uses scrum board to track these issues
- make more columns on scrum board for more organization
Explained all different DevOps utilities and showed where edits were made
- Made Diagrams
- helped with understanding
- for DevOps and for Backend/frontend
- specific diagram for backend/frontend to project (includes APIs and user input)
- Used a website to plan out frontend design
APCSA- Vidhi, Riya, Lily, William
- Very detailed wireframe on Canva
- Check lists for weekly work
- Created a quiz using HTML on fastapges